ip address image

IP Address Tracker

A web app that allow users to enter an IP address and retrieve the location and information of the IP address

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Typescript

IP Address Tracker

» Full blog write-up here!

This is the first project done utilizing the new app directory feature in Nextjs. When users enter in an IP address, the web application will display the following information:

  • User's entered IP address
  • Physical location
  • Timezone
  • ISP

In addition, the web application will also create a interactive map with a marker showing the physical location of the IP address. Users can drag and zoom in/out of the map to find additional information regarding the selected location.

This project is the solution to one of the Frontend Mentor challenges.

The Challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for each page depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • See their own IP address on the map on the initial page load
  • Search for any IP addresses or domains and see the key information and location


Two APIs were used to create this project:

  • IP Geolocation API - Grabs the data for the entered IP address
  • Leaflet - Create and mark down the physical location of the given IP address